Bigfoot LHR75E Mini Rupes

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It's no secret that vehicle designs are becoming more complex and as a result more difficult to polish. Many full-size polishers simply cannot address the intricacies of modern vehicle design, but it's in these areas that the LHR75E Mini truly shines. With its 75mm (3″) backing plate, 100mm (4″) pad system, short front overhang, and compact design the Mini is ideally suited to polish bumpers, B-pillars, headlights and more; making it the ideal complement to any of the full-size RUPES BigFoot polishers.

The body of the LHR75E is elegantly designed, featuring rubber inserts for non-slip handling as well as a sturdy, compact body, that feels planted and easy to grip. The top of the tool also incorporates a rubber insert designed to allow the tool to rest in the optimal position when placed on a bench or cart. This clever design prevents the tool from rolling over and potentially contaminating the polishing pads.

Also lined with rubber is the on-off switch lever. Rather than a trigger that requires the operator to keep it pulled while polishing the LHR75E Mini uses a locking switch. This permits the user to operate the tool single handed or free their hands when working in tight spaces or awkward positions where the Mini is most effective.

  • 3" backing plate included
  • Use 3"- 4" pads
  • 12mm throw or orbit
  • 400-watt motor
  • RPMs: 4000-5500
  • On-Off Lock Switch
  • Weight - 5.07 Lbs

Repair Kit includes:

  • 1 LHR75E Mini Polisher
  • 1 75mm/3 in backing plate
  • 1 250 ml. DA COARSE Compound
  • 1 250 ml. DA FINE Compound
  • 4 100mm DA Coarse Blue Foam Pad
  • 4 100 mm DA Fine Yellow Foam Pad
  • 4 100 DA COARSE Wool Pad
  • 4 150 mm Medium DA Wool Pad
  • 1 Claw Pad Tool
  • 1 Cable Clamp
  • 4 Microfiber Cloths
  • 1 Systainer T-Loc Hard Case

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